10 Q’s With Carver D.
Name: Carver D.
Hometown: Red Oak, Texas
School: Texas A&M University-Commerce ‘22 - Sport and Recreation Management
Why IAMGF? I have deep roots in Cedar Crest Golf Course, because of my grandfather. I also learned how to play the sport of golf in a youth program at the golf course. To me, I can say that I was always meant to go back to Cedar Crest Golf Course, either as a player or as a part of the team that runs it.
What do you think is your most valuable or differentiating contribution to IAMGF? Being me, I can say that I brought a lot of positive energy and charisma to the course and program. My duty is to spread love and good energy.
Fun fact? In all honesty, putting is not my strong suit.
Post-internship career interest? I would love to be involved in the professional and recreational sports world. It is my lifelong dream to open my gym and or sports facility.
Advice to prospective IAMGF interns? If you work hard and diligently, the days will go by very quickly. Always have fun and learn new things that you can apply in life.
One thing you would change or do differently? I wouldn’t change a thing. I feel like I had a great experience and learned a ton of information from my time at the course.
The part you would have skipped if you could and what helped you get through it? Depending on the time, the heat can be an obstacle that I would have to endure. Over time I adjusted to stay hydrated and motivated.
The greatest highlight so far at IAMGF? The people were the highlight of every day. The team that I worked with made me want to come to work on my off time, and that’s saying something.
One thing about IAMGF that you didn’t expect before arriving? I didn’t expect to make as many good friends as I did while at Cedar Crest.
What were you most excited about when joining IAMGF? I was excited to be back on that course again, where it all began. The moment I stepped back on the course, memories started flooding back.